SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_page` [ RunTime:0.001142s ]
SELECT * FROM `xb_page` WHERE ( `id` = 23 ) AND `xb_page`.`delete_time` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000632s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_template` [ RunTime:0.000965s ]
SELECT `id`,`code`,`name`,`file_name`,`config`,`platform`,`theme_config`,`theme_type`,`site_theme_config` FROM `xb_template` WHERE `code` = '6zoo6xd62wq3574dctfr6syx3fk195tr' AND `platform` = 'pc' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000543s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_site` [ RunTime:0.000838s ]
SELECT `type`,`key`,`value` FROM `xb_site` [ RunTime:0.000424s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_template_modular` [ RunTime:0.001204s ]
SELECT t.code as template_code,`m`.`code`,tm.modular_config as config,`m`.`path`,`tm`.`parent_uid`,`tm`.`uid`,`tm`.`sort`,`tm`.`platform`,`tm`.`public_page_code`,`tm`.`ucode`,`tm`.`theme_config`,`tm`.`theme_type`,`t`.`site_theme_config` FROM `xb_template_modular` `tm` INNER JOIN `xb_template` `t` ON `tm`.`template_code`=`t`.`code` INNER JOIN `xb_modular` `m` ON `tm`.`modular_code`=`m`.`code` WHERE `t`.`code` = '6zoo6xd62wq3574dctfr6syx3fk195tr' AND `t`.`platform` = 'pc' AND `tm`.`platform` = 'pc' ORDER BY `tm`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.001386s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_attribute` [ RunTime:0.001024s ]
SELECT `id`,`code`,`title`,`value`,`is_global`,`is_edit`,`is_required`,`modular_ucode`,`source`,`config`,`path` FROM `xb_attribute` WHERE `modular_ucode` = 'mod_1q7lwzfaz8bp1jie6dgeut2skkpi5v' ORDER BY `sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000693s ]
SELECT * FROM `xb_site` WHERE `key` = 'sslstatus' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001209s ]
SELECT * FROM `xb_site` WHERE `key` = 'domain' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000442s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_promotion` [ RunTime:0.001957s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`location`,`code` FROM `xb_promotion` WHERE `status` = 1 AND ( `range` = 'all' or `range` REGEXP 'all_page' ) AND ( `platform` REGEXP 'pc' ) [ RunTime:0.000684s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`location`,`code` FROM `xb_promotion` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `range` = 'page' AND ( `platform` REGEXP 'pc' ) AND ( `related_ids` REGEXP '23' ) [ RunTime:0.000403s ]
SELECT c.`id`, c.`title`, c.`title`, c.`code`, p.`content`, p.`url` FROM `xb_category` as c left join `xb_page` as p on c.code = p.category_code WHERE c.`code` in (select code from xb_category where pcode='product' ) and p.`status` = '1' order by p.`sort` asc [ RunTime:0.005277s ]
SELECT c.`id`, c.`title`, c.`title`, p.`content`, p.`url`, c.`pcode`, c.`code` FROM `xb_category` as c left join `xb_page` as p on c.code = p.category_code WHERE c.`pcode` = 'product-6'and p.`status` = '1' order by p.`sort` asc [ RunTime:0.001404s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-6-7' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.003803s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-6-8' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.001004s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-6-9' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.003310s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-6' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.002608s ]
SELECT c.`id`, c.`title`, c.`title`, p.`content`, p.`url`, c.`pcode`, c.`code` FROM `xb_category` as c left join `xb_page` as p on c.code = p.category_code WHERE c.`pcode` = 'product-10'and p.`status` = '1' order by p.`sort` asc [ RunTime:0.001155s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-10' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.000532s ]
SELECT c.`id`, c.`title`, c.`title`, p.`content`, p.`url`, c.`pcode`, c.`code` FROM `xb_category` as c left join `xb_page` as p on c.code = p.category_code WHERE c.`pcode` = 'product-11'and p.`status` = '1' order by p.`sort` asc [ RunTime:0.001000s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-11' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.000755s ]
SELECT c.`id`, c.`title`, c.`title`, p.`content`, p.`url`, c.`pcode`, c.`code` FROM `xb_category` as c left join `xb_page` as p on c.code = p.category_code WHERE c.`pcode` = 'product-12'and p.`status` = '1' order by p.`sort` asc [ RunTime:0.000696s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-12' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.000973s ]
SELECT c.`id`, c.`title`, c.`title`, p.`content`, p.`url`, c.`pcode`, c.`code` FROM `xb_category` as c left join `xb_page` as p on c.code = p.category_code WHERE c.`pcode` = 'product-13'and p.`status` = '1' order by p.`sort` asc [ RunTime:0.000633s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-13' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.000540s ]
SELECT c.`id`, c.`title`, c.`title`, p.`content`, p.`url`, c.`pcode`, c.`code` FROM `xb_category` as c left join `xb_page` as p on c.code = p.category_code WHERE c.`pcode` = 'product-14'and p.`status` = '1' order by p.`sort` asc [ RunTime:0.000533s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-14' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.000513s ]
SELECT c.`id`, c.`title`, c.`title`, p.`content`, p.`url`, c.`pcode`, c.`code` FROM `xb_category` as c left join `xb_page` as p on c.code = p.category_code WHERE c.`pcode` = 'product-15'and p.`status` = '1' order by p.`sort` asc [ RunTime:0.000500s ]
SELECT `id`, `title`, `title`, `publish_time`, `seo_desc`, `url`, `cover`, `category_code` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` = 'product-15' and `status` = '1' and `template_code` is null order by `publish_time` desc [ RunTime:0.000493s ]
SELECT `id`,`title`,`title`,`publish_time`,`seo_desc`,`url`,`cover` FROM `xb_article` WHERE `category_code` like '%news-%' and `status` = '1' order by publish_time desc limit 3 [ RunTime:0.000585s ]